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How do I get access to GUS?
Several roles will be available to end users – students, teaching faculty, academic advisors and administrators / staff. Not everyone at UAMS will be approved for access to the system, however; only those whose work related to managing the students’ life cycle: admissions, transfer credit, records/registration, academic advisement, financial aid and financial accounts. For faculty, staff and administrators, some training will be necessary before accessing the system. For those who have been designated with a GUS system role, access will be managed through the UAMS IT Help Desk at 501-686-8555 or by emailing
Where do I log in to GUS?
- The GUS Portal – where all users will log in — is at and users will log in with their UAMS network credentials. Only authorized users will have access to the system.
I am a student and have submitted my FAFSA for financial aid for the Fall. CanI use GUS to check my application?
- Yes. Students can access the GUS student portal (see above) and see a financial aid check list to help manage all aspects of the financial aid award process.
Can UAMS students pay their residential housing rent through the system?
- Students living in the UAMS Residence Hall are able to pay their housing fee through the GUS Portal, Student Financials section.
Will UAMS students be able to pay semester tuition and fees, and fees related to dropping/adding courses online?
- Yes, students are able to make online payments. If you have any questions, please contact the Bursar’s Office, 501-686-6128.
How will students know to which courses they need to apply?
- Degree Plan – With PeopleSoft (PS), we can set up the system to post an online degree plan in student self-service. This will give the students clear guidance on which courses they need to complete their degree and/or certificate. The degree plan will serve to inform students on the correct courses to select.
How will college administrators know how many students are in a class?
- Class Size – As part of class set up, colleges/programs can establish a class size. So it is possible with PS to monitor and manage enrollment into these classes. It is possible to strictly regulate a class limit automatically through PS by stopping students trying to enroll in that class.
- Class size can also be delimited by the physical size of the classroom. Plans are for PeopleSoft to integrate with R25, our classroom scheduling system. There is currently an initiative underway to expand the location information contained in R25, which will help populate virtually all classrooms. An interface will be developed so that as new or revised location information is put into R25 it will automatically be transferred to PS. This room information will be used to create the class schedule each term.
Will the SIS impact course numbering?
- Course Numbering – All UAMS courses have been renumbered according to a common numbering convention.
- The course numbering scheme provides for a four-digit number to each course where the first digit represents level (e.g., freshman, senior, master’s level, doctoral level, etc.) and the second digit approximates the year in the program that the student would typically take the course. The last two digits should be numbered with the aim of representing any critical sequence in the program curriculum (a pre-requisite course should be numbered lower than the course that requires it).
- It is important to know that the new course numbering scheme establishes guidelines for how to number courses, but not hard and fast rules. Also, the numbering isn’t actually tied to system functionality. The numbers are more for the benefit of faculty, academic staff and students by providing a logical progression of course numbers for better intuitive understanding. The numbers themselves do not affect the student’s experience (registration, advisement, grade reporting, progression, etc.) or any system processes.
Will the GUS online applicant process replace the CAS systems?
- NO — programs that have used CAS systems in the past will continue to have applicants use the CAS system for application. Application information from the CAS systems will be mapped and pulled into GUS. Programs will continue to communicate with applicants through the CAS systems as they have in the past.
How do I join HEUG, the Higher Education Users Group for Oracle products?
- Here is a page with instructions on joining HEUG